Automotive Window Tint for Las Vegas

Question: how to 1. lower your gas consumption, 2. increase your comfort and 3. improve privacy of your car, all at once?

Answer: tint your windows at Precision Window Tint Las Vegas!

Located on Fort Apache Rd, off  Russell Rd, near the Walmart Center, the Las Vegas shop of Precision Window Tint offers window tint solutions that match all budgets. Being the best Llumar distributor of the West Coast, best manufacturer of tint films made in USA, Precision Window Tint success for over 20 years relies on a team of top notch professionals who understand the consequences of UVs on your comfort and car aging process. 

Benefits of tinting your car windows

  • Lower gas consumption: by filtering the UVs, these films are lowering the temperature inside your car. After few hours under the sun of Las Vegas, your car temperature can go over 130 degrees easily. Then you AC needs to run hard to cool down you car. With a tint film, the UVs responsible for increasing your car temperature will be filtered, maintaining a lower heat inside the car. Your AC will run smoother and save your engine. You use less gas, you save money at the pump each time.  And it will increase your overall comfort.
  • Car ages slower: in Las Vegas, the heat in summer is so strong that your plastic, leather, and other materials are under a lot of stress because of the heat. Filtering the UVs help lower the temperature and preserve your material from degrading faster. 
  • More privacy: Darker windows make it difficult to see who is driving a vehicle, or how many passengers are inside. This can be beneficial for anyone driving alone or with friends and loved ones.
  • More security: in case of an accident or event a carjack attempt, LLumar window film is a so durable Mylar product that it will hold the glass inside your vehicle together. When glass shatters during an accident, glass shards are sent airborne causing potentially eye, lung or other damages. 

Why window tint cost is never an issue?

Many people are asking for quotes and decide to tint their cars based on a quote. This is a mistake and let us tell you why. 

When you tint your car, you save on gas. Up to 20%. Here is why: 

  • The film filters UV => less heat inside
  • Less heat inside => AC runs smoothers
  • AC running Smoother => the engine runs at lower RPM range
  • Lower RPM range => you use less gas

You end up driving 20% more miles with the same fuel tank. Do the math: you have saved one full tank of gas every 5 refills.  After 5 ot 6 months, you get your money back.  After few years, you save money. With an additional comfort AND protecting the material inside your car from aging faster because of the heat. Less noise, more comfort. 

Rather than looking at a price, we recommend you to look at a QUALITY of work that will guarantee the film will work the way it is intended. Or you might end up with this type of tint, that is totally useless because UVs keep going through the air bubbles, like the picture below:

Precision Window Tint will offer the work that guarantees you will recover your investment the first year, keep your tint for the lifetime of the vehicle, and we offer a lifetime guarantee on all our films so you drive your car with a peace of mind! 

Serving all of Clark County in Las Vegas & North Las Vegas